Why pay for something you can grow at home for free and indefinitely? South Florida is recognized for its subtropical climate, which allows a variety of fruit trees to thrive that would otherwise perish in much of the United States. Who wouldn’t want delicious fruits growing in their backyard?
If you’re thinking about adding something sweet to your garden, Mathews Tree Service has compiled a list of some of the Southwest Florida fruit trees that you can grow on your property.
Mangos are a popular fruit in tropical areas because they are sweet, juicy, and versatile. The trees grow very high and yield a lot of fruit. In well-draining sandy soil, the optimal season to plant mango trees is in the spring and summer. The trees also thrive in direct sunlight.
Water every other day for the first week, then twice a week for the first several months after planting. Fertilize your mango tree monthly for the first year, then quarterly after that. Mangoes can be harvested from May to September. To stimulate lateral growth and easy harvest, your tree will need to be pruned periodically.
The papaya tree is a small, sparingly branching tree that makes an excellent addition to any South Florida garden. Maradol, Red Lady, and Solo are the most prevalent papaya varieties farmed in the United States.
Papayas require plenty of sunlight, plenty of water, and well-draining soil to grow. A papaya plant may be grown from seed and fruit harvested in as little as 6 to 12 months, unlike other tropical fruits. Papayas may reach a height of 15 feet or more. They require a lot of water and must be fertilized regularly. The fruit is picked while still green and left to ripen at room temperature.
Avocadoes, one of the most popular tropical fruits, flourish in South Florida. Avocado trees are simple to cultivate and offer a lot of fruit. Since trees could grow over 60 feet tall, choosing a planting site that is at least 20 feet away from your home or other structures on your property is vital. If you plant your avocado tree in full sun with well-draining soil, it will grow and produce the most fruit.
Water your recently planted avocado tree every other day for the first week, then once or twice weekly after that. Fertilize your young tree every other month for the first year, then quarterly after that. It would be best if you pruned the tree occasionally to remove any dead or diseased branches. Avocados only ripen once you pick them.
Citrus trees are generally the fruit tree that comes to mind when people think of Florida, as Florida produces most commercial citrus cultivated in the United States. Oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, and tangerines are just a few of the citrus trees that grow in South Florida.
Once you’ve planted your citrus trees, you’ll need to water them every day until they’ve established themselves. Once established, all you have to do is water once a week, remove dead wood, and fertilize once a quarter. Citrus trees don’t need to be pruned and thrive when left to their own devices. With these trees, you have to be patient. In approximately five years, you’ll see your first fruit.
Guava is a tropical fruit that grows in Florida’s south and central regions. The chilly temperatures in North Florida could destroy this tree. It’s a delicious and unique addition to your yard, even though it’s not as well-known as other fruits.
The fragrant Guava tree may reach a height and width of 12-15 feet. The fruits come in two varieties: pinkish red and white, with white guava being slightly tangier than pink guava. When fully ripe, pink guava is sweet and aromatic.
It is also known as Dragon Fruit and is a climbing plant that belongs to the cactus family. To grow correctly, you’ll need to provide a structure to support its climb, growing up to 20 feet tall. To avoid developing a gigantic cactus, you may want to trim some of the branches.
The most straightforward approach to get this fruit is to purchase a mature cactus and just transplant it into your garden. The plant demands full light and, like a cactus, requires careful watering. Water only when the top of the soil is dry and only until the soil is damp. Don’t let it sit in water. Plant it in well-drained soil in an area of your yard that is not prone to floods to assure its survival.
This brief list is a wonderful place to start when deciding on fruit trees for your South Florida garden. Call Mathews Tree Service for advice and assistance in getting started with producing an abundance of tropical fruits at home.